Dated 15/12/2014
Shri Vilas Ingale
General Secretary, CHQ
All India Association of Inspectors
and Asst Supts of Posts
Sub:- Merger issue- submission
of desired information.
Dear Shri Ingale
As desired the required information in respect of
Odisha Circle is submitted as detailed below:-
1. No. of Class-I Postal divisions in the circle – 06 (Six)
2. No. of Class-I RMS divisions in the circle – 01(one)
3. No. of Class-I Postal / RMS divisions in the circle
where presently Dy. Supdt. Post is available – 1(One)
4. No. of NSH/ICH speed post centres under Class-I
Division in the circle whose in charge is from IP/ASP cadre. -1 (One)
5. No. of Postal Divisions where more than 4 ASPs are
working in divisional office itself. (Not in sub divisions) -Nil
6. No. of other Class-I units (like Foreign Post
/RSD/CSD etc.) where ASPs are working - Nil
7. No. of GPOs having Class-I /JAG status in the circle
and No. of ASPs working in such GPOs – Nil
8. No. of HPOs having Class-I status in the circle
- Nil
While submitting the revised
proposal for merger of Inspector Posts and Assistant
Superintendent of Posts cadre into one cadre to get the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-
for Inspector Posts we need to safeguard our interests on following two points
merged cadre of IPs & ASPs should be insulated from frivolous and motivated
disciplinary actions of the Divisional Heads by placing a demand to notify “Head
of the Circle as appointing authority for merged cadre” as is prevalent for ASP
promotional avenues.
With best regards,
Pitabasa Jena
Secretary, AIAIASP
Circle Branch
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