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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Transfer and Posting in ASP Cadre in HQ Region

The transfers/ postings of the following officers in ASP Cadre have been ordered vide CO Memo No. ST/24-15(2)/2010   dated 16/4/2013  to have immediate effect  and until further orders.

Sl No
Name of the officer
Present place of posting
Place of posting on transfer
Dhiren Das
ASP I/c, Jajpur Sub Division
ASP I/c, Bhadrak Central
Against vacant post
Sitanath Dash
ASP(HQ), Balasore Division
ASP(OD), Cuttack North Divn
Vice Sh. S K Mishra transferred
Bhagabat Sethy
Ex-Offg. Supdt. PSD, Bhubaneswar
(on leave)
Dy. Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO
Against vacant post on declination of promotion to PS Gr-B
B K Patra
Ex-Offg. SPOs, Bhadrak (on leave)
ASP(OD), Bhubaneswar Divn
P K Nanda
Ex-Offg. Sr. PM, Cuttack GPO(on leave)
ASP I/c, Cuttack East Sub Division
Vice Sh. P N Pattanaik transferred
P N Pattanaik
ASP I/c, Cuttack East Sub Division
ASP(Printing), PSD, Bhubaneswar
Against vacant post

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