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Monday, April 11, 2016

CHQ News:-Supplementary DPC for PS Gr. B cadre .... updates

As we know that Directorate vide memo No. 9-02/2015-SPG dated 2.3.2016 has called for information and APARs of few officers from circles for holding of supplementary DPC for PS Gr. B cadre for vacancies of 2015-16. It is sorry to bring to kind notice of our members that despite issue of email and telephonic calls by Directorate information from Bihar / Chattisgarh / Jharkhand / Haryana / Karnataka / North East / Rajasthan and West Bengal Circle are not received. Last date for submission of information was given as 10/3/2016 so that DPC can be convened by the end of last financial year. But no positive response received from circles. Now one months period is elapsed and there is also not any progress in submission of information by the circles.

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