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Saturday, September 12, 2015

GS writes to Secy(Posts) for maintaining uniformity by Circles in making Adhoc Promotion to PS Gr. B Cadre and convening of DPC for timely regular promotion.

No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/PS-Gr. B/Ad-hoc/2015                           Dated : 11/9/2015

The Secretary,
Department of Post,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001.

Subject: Regarding non maintaining uniformity by Circles in making Adhoc  Promotion of ASPs to PS Gr. B Cadre.

Respected Madam,

The IP/ASP Association once again intends to bring to your kind notice how circles are resorting to ad-hoc arrangement in total disregard to the statutory provisions on the subject as well as proper manpower management and career advancement of the employees. As explained in DOP&T’s O.M. No.28036/8/87-Estt.(D) dated 30.03.1988 read with O.M. No.28036/1/2001-Estt.(D) dated 23.07.2001, promotions/ appointments on ad-hoc basis are to be resorted to a post which cannot be kept vacant in consideration of its functional/operational requirement.  In our Department, posts of PS Group ‘B’ are of such a nature that these cannot be kept vacant in the larger interest of department and public as well.

Whenever  ad-hoc  promotions  are  found  inescapable  in  selection  posts  in  the  exigency  of  service,  the  same  should  be  ordered  only  from  amongst  the  senior-most  eligible  staff.  As  a  rule,  a  junior  should  not  be  promoted,  ignoring  his  senior  unless  the  competent  authority  ordering  the  ad-hoc  promotion,  considers  him  unsuitable.  Few circles are over sighting these rules while making ad-hoc promotions.

            This Association therefore requested your honour to kindly issue strict instructions to all the circles to fill short term vacancies of PS Gr. B cadre on ad-hoc basis according to the guidelines issued by DOP&T and as per the inter-se-seniority cum fitness and convene timely DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the vacancy year 2015-16 with correct vacancies for career advancement of the employees and to avoid ad-hoc arrangements that is otherwise also creating ambiguities.  

          With profound regards,

 Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary

1 comment:

DKSAMAL said...

This is an issue which indicates the maltreatment of authorities towards its employees, particularly officers of IP line. To escape from the implications of callousness in poor HR management in not calling the DPCs on time IP/ASPs are not allowed to officiate in higher post for a complete year. They are reverted to lower post when their juniors are officiating in higher post else where. Further, in some Circles officers getting regular promotion while officiating in that grade are ordered for reversion to lower grde before there regular appointment. Is it not peculiar? GS is very active in taking up issues put before him. Hope, Odisha CS who is also very effective will take up the issue with the GS.